Wednesday, August 16, 2006

The player of this game starts with "5 weird things/habits about yourself." Then you tag 5 friends and list their names. The furries who get tagged need to write on their blogs about their 5 weird things/habits, as well as state this rule clearly, then tag 5 more victims. Don't forget to leave your victim a comment that says "you're tagged!" in their comments and tell them to read your blog.
Here is mine:
1.) I have a slight problem with flatulence, it's not my fault, it's this darn snout, well that's what the doctor said at least. Maybe she was just being nice.
2.) I don't think I understand the concept of a toy! I try to kill all and any toys that are given to me, especially squeaky toys. I have to find the squeak and then kill it.
3.) I know I'm a dog, but I haven't seemed to master the skill of barking, not even when my parents want me too...........unless I see a treat, then I try really hard, but alas, no barking. I really should try harder though because I think they want me to alert them as to when visitors arrive, however, then I feel they won't play with me and all I want to do is play.
4.) I love going on walks, however my parents are far to slow and are always trying to slow me down. I don't want to walk slow, I want to run and run and run and run............did I mention the running?
5.) Like Cairo, I too seem to have a fondness for humping only my mom's leg! I don't know why dad's leg doesn't appeal to me, but I also make quite a funny face when doing it. Daddy tries to make me hump my mom's leg because he too finds it quite hilarious! Mommy, however, does not. I think I need to talk to someone about this problem.

I don't really have that many friends yet because I'm very new to this whole tagging thing, but I'll try.

By the way Jonathon & Christina, I hope you're having fun in Argentina......Cairo's grandpa told me that's where you went....I can't wait to meet you. Bye

You've been tagged: Cassidy, Boxer Lady, Floss (the Kangaroo-eared dog)


Anonymous said...

Hey there =]

Thanks for the comment

Oh and here is my weird/cool stuff i do =]

1)I can say hello & yes please in the way humans speak.

2)When i play with my toy i swing it around in cirlces in the air and sometimes i smash myself in the mouth.

3)When one of the humans sits on the toilet i will open the door myself and DEMAND that they give me a toilet roll to chew on and after i chew it a little bit i will eat it =]

4)If i am getting dressed to go walking sometimes i will wee wee myself because i get so excited.

5)I taught myself how to hand shake and it really seemed to impress the humans.

luv floss

Anonymous said...

oh and if you need any help with anythink on the whole blogging thing just ask me and i will be happy to help =]

Ellie said...

Hi Delilah!

You're a very cute doggie! And don't worry about...I will be your friend too. I like your blog and I can't wait to hear more about you.

Nubbily Wiggles,
Ellie the Boxer

Charlie Kelley-Church said...

I hope you don't discriminate against non boxers! I am a blue heeler cross. I found your blog link on Ellie the Boxer's site. I think you are doing very well being new to blogging. I have not been at it that long but am getting better. I live with 3 kitty sibs (Worf, Nerise & Simon).


Cairo The Boxer said...

So um...when are we going to play?

Cookie said...

welcome welcome welcome! me and brother would like give you the warmest boxer welcome!

Lucretia said...

Welcome to blogging Delilah! I'm pretty new at this whole thing too ... btw, you're pretty cute ;)