Wednesday, August 16, 2006

The player of this game starts with "5 weird things/habits about yourself." Then you tag 5 friends and list their names. The furries who get tagged need to write on their blogs about their 5 weird things/habits, as well as state this rule clearly, then tag 5 more victims. Don't forget to leave your victim a comment that says "you're tagged!" in their comments and tell them to read your blog.
Here is mine:
1.) I have a slight problem with flatulence, it's not my fault, it's this darn snout, well that's what the doctor said at least. Maybe she was just being nice.
2.) I don't think I understand the concept of a toy! I try to kill all and any toys that are given to me, especially squeaky toys. I have to find the squeak and then kill it.
3.) I know I'm a dog, but I haven't seemed to master the skill of barking, not even when my parents want me too...........unless I see a treat, then I try really hard, but alas, no barking. I really should try harder though because I think they want me to alert them as to when visitors arrive, however, then I feel they won't play with me and all I want to do is play.
4.) I love going on walks, however my parents are far to slow and are always trying to slow me down. I don't want to walk slow, I want to run and run and run and run............did I mention the running?
5.) Like Cairo, I too seem to have a fondness for humping only my mom's leg! I don't know why dad's leg doesn't appeal to me, but I also make quite a funny face when doing it. Daddy tries to make me hump my mom's leg because he too finds it quite hilarious! Mommy, however, does not. I think I need to talk to someone about this problem.

I don't really have that many friends yet because I'm very new to this whole tagging thing, but I'll try.

By the way Jonathon & Christina, I hope you're having fun in Argentina......Cairo's grandpa told me that's where you went....I can't wait to meet you. Bye

You've been tagged: Cassidy, Boxer Lady, Floss (the Kangaroo-eared dog)

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Hello everyone-

This is my first posting, I just set-up my blog, but now that it's up I'm sure that there will be more to follow. My name is Delilah and I live in Irvine, CA with my two kitty brothers Dakota and Sylvester. This is a picture of me on my first car ride to my new home this past January. I was rescued from LA Boxer Rescue and given a wonderful home where I get to play and kill all the toys I want. I'm very hyper, but also gentle so don't let me name fool you. I am just very clumsy and I only destroy toys. I just sometimes don't know how big I am and get a little too excited. I love all types of dogs, but I prefer to play with large dogs because I am very strong. I will post more photos and stories about myself and my adventures in the near future. I have to go to the park now and play.